Monday, April 10, 2006

30daychallenge (Day 3)

Blue wholepunch

I think I can even remember when I bought this. Well, sort of. I certaintly was at school. Probably at Severo Ochoa, can you believe it? It's also one of the first things I brought from Spain. I feel about it like Alec must feel about his posessions. I know it's old and rusty and hardly punches, but it works so why would I want to buy a new, more robust one? It gives me comfort this little object. I wish I had the same relationship with all my other things: Once I have one, don't buy another. Even if it's better, newer, and above all, at a very good price!

Nice turquoise blue to link with the previous photo, I thought. And I only took one frame! Alec, you should be pleased with my lack of virtual clutter today!

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