Ana was one on the 6th. I know everybody talks about how quickly babies grow, but isn't it true! That day I kept on thinking about my delivery and how birthdays should be about the mum not the baby being born. It's not the time or the place to revive her delivery(not so bad, at least it was quick and she was out in 8 hours from waters breaking)and I should focus and what I've been making to celebrate her/my day.
As Hannah put enormous pressure on me (she is my role model in many, many areas)I felt I had to do some work on the cake front:

I mean it's not really an effort. It meant hiring some cake tin and deiding on waht type of cake to go for. It was carrot cake in the end. It's not very elaborate but ana loved it:

And yesterday we had a little party with some of our closest friends, so I had to improve on my efforts. This time I went for a our cream and blueberry little number, but I run out of blueberries for the toppig and I had to add some stawberries. It was yummy, though. Ana's favourite thing at the moment is blueberries, oh and toothpaste tubes:

So if you remember I made some invitations (my friends hated me for it, by the way, but you only have your first daughter's first birthday once in a lifetime)so I had to make some real bunting:

It's very short because I used some cheap but lovely skirt from Gap and I run out of material. I thought I could add some more every year, but that sounds good now. We'll see.

I also felt and wanted to make something for...

I know it's cheating (cutting out some nice material and stuffing it is hardly rocket science) but the animals are soft and cute and it's the second bag I've ever made so I'm chuffed. Now I need to start working on the dolly I should be making for her second birthday. Pressure (thanks Hannah, you are even my spell checker!)