Friday, January 19, 2007

Assignment #1

At last I could photograph some of the natural stuff I found to start the assignments. I had plenty to play with...

First I went figurative...

But then I felt I had to simplify...

And simplify...

And a bit more...

And that's better:


hannah said...

nice, i like the first one best though(you know I like busy!!), and the one where they are diagonal. i like the stone with the squiggle on, or is it a G? it is really nice.

shadows and clouds said...

great! i like the squares! and the lines! the flowers too, but i like the squares the best! reminds me that when i was little my mum used to warn me not to bring pebbles back from greece as the suitcase got too heavy, so i used to hide heaps of them beneath all the clothes in the suitcase! ah for the joy of beach-treasures!

Natascha Rosenberg said...

Como me gusta este assignment #1!! Te ha quedado precioso. Espero que te hayas divertido. Ya terminé el #2 y ha sido muuy interesante hacerlo. Te agradeco mucho tu comentario en mi blog y que te guste mi trabajo!!! Un abrazo desde Madrid.