Some little hands got very excited about scissors and needles

My poor little girl is going through chickenpox and just when you think she is not going to have any more blisters, she develops even more. She is wippy, tired and wants to cuddle a lot (I like this bit). In the meantime her main carer (me) has not been feeling well either (could it be that I'm under attack as well? My mum doesn't remember if I had it or not!!) so we'll see where this episode takes us. In the meantime, lots of cuddles and sofa time.
I wanted to say a few words about this wonderful recipe book by Tessa Kiros. She has included lots of wonderful and simple recipes that remind me of food when I was growing up in Spain. Although not a Spaniard herself, there is a Southern European feel to all the recipes, and she has divided the chapters into colours so she groups the recipes that way. As a result it's full of wonderful colour everywhere. I seriously recommend it. And the pictures she includes are as nice as the recipes. Have a look...