The tree is up at last. This year I was in a bit of a dilema because somehow I started to feel a bit weird about the whole thing of having a tree at home. You know, a strange feeling knowing there is this tree slowly dying in front of your eyes, and just there, in your living room. The poor thing being loaded with crystal balls and other knick knacks and literally strangled with plenty of fairy lights. Not pleasant. Anyway I did a bit of research and worked out that a potted tree would be the best choice. Potted trees are trees have been dug up with their roots and potted into a peat and sand mix. Apparently, it is therefore very unlikely that these trees will continue to live after Christmas even if relocated outside. But, I don't know, at least I feel it has a change, 50/50 the lady I bought it from said. Because potted trees are quite small I used the felt decorations my mum made for Ana last year, so the tree has not much weight to carry.

So I had to find a place for the heavier balls

I love to put red berries everywhere

... and we put some stockings up
Now we need more fairy lights. Loads and loads. I just love them. I can't get enough of them. Something like this would do